SD Gundam G Generation World Wiki

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Anavel Gato[]

射撃 Shooting 26
格闘 Melee 32
反応 Reaction 25
守備 Defense 30
覚醒 Awakening 0
指揮 Leadership 11
魅力 Charisma 9
MP 440
EXP for Lv2 1030


Name in Japanese

Name in English


Level Requirement

ソロモンの悪夢 Nightmare of Solomon Decreases Enemy MP when attacks connect. (Excludes MAP weapons)

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

威圧 Coercion Increases critical rate when battling enemy pilots with their MP Gauge not at maximum or 0.

Effect increases as level for the ability goes up.

解放 Release Adds 10 points to the Awaken stat. If the Pilot's initial Awaken stat is 0, their Awaken stat can now be raised.

Note: This ability can only be purchased by certain characters with Awaken stat of 0. If you replace/erase this ability, the Awaken stat will revert back to 0 and it cannot be raised.

怒り Rage As HP goes down, Critical Rate goes up. 10
操艦センス Helmsman Sense Increases warship evasion when placed as warship helmsman.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

豪傑 Hero Increases Unit Attack.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up

底力 Reserve When Unit HP is below 50%, Unit's Defense and Attack goes up.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up

対空砲火 Anti-Air Fire Increases attack power of a warship's rapid-firing weapons (AA Guns) when placed as warship helmsman. 20
闘将 Battle Commander Increases Unit's Attack. Increases Leader Area +3 when assigned as Leader.

Attack bonus increases as Level for the Ability goes up

必殺 Sure Kill Chance to inflict Super Criticals when tension is not at Super Critical state.

Percentage increases as level for the Ability goes up


Kou Uraki[]

射撃 Shooting 20
格闘 Melee 24
反応 Reaction 25
守備 Defense 29
覚醒 Awakening 0
指揮 Leadership 8
魅力 Charisma 8
MP 370
EXP for Lv2 840


Name in Japanese

Name in English


Level Requirement

底力 Reserve When Unit HP is below 50%, Unit's Defense and Attack goes up.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

怒り Rage As HP goes down, Critical Rate goes up None
解放 Release Adds 10 points to the Awaken stat. If the Pilot's initial Awaken stat is 0, their Awaken stat can now be raised.

Note: This ability can only be purchased by certain characters with Awaken stat of 0. If you replace/erase this ability, the Awaken stat will revert back to 0 and it cannot be raised.

幻の撃墜王 Phantom Ace Increases Unit's Attack and Defense when piloting a Unit with Size XL or above.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

機械技術 Mechanical Skill Increases pilot's defense when placed as warship mechanic.

Increases HP and EN recovery of warship and units returned for repairs. Recovery rate increases as level for the ability goes up.

気合 Vigor Tension goes up faster than normal. 10
器用 Skillfulness Increases warship's EN when placed as warship mechanic

Effect increases as level for the ability goes up.

強固 Fortitude Increases Unit's Maximum HP.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up

単独行動 Independent Action Increases accuracy and damage when battling without support.

Effect increases as level for the ability goes up.

必殺 Sure Kill Chance to inflict Super Criticals when tension is not at Super Critical state.

Percentage increases as level for the Ability goes up


Cima Garahau[]

射撃 Shooting 26
格闘 Melee 25
反応 Reaction 24
守備 Defense 24
覚醒 Awakening 0
指揮 Leadership 11
魅力 Charisma 8
Cost 38100
MP 205/410
EXP for Lv2


Name in Japanese

Name in English


Level Requirement

宇宙の蜉蝣 Space Mayfly Increases Pilot's Reaction and Unit's Mobility. Increases Evasion if piloting a Unit that is Size M or smaller.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

冷徹 Cool-Headed Decreases enemy unit defense when the pilot battles without support.

Effect increases as level for the ability goes up.

解放 Release Adds 10 points to the Awaken stat. If the Pilot's initial Awaken stat is 0, their Awaken stat can now be raised.

Note: This ability can only be purchased by certain characters with Awaken stat of 0. If you replace/erase this ability, the Awaken stat will revert back to 0 and it cannot be raised.

狡猾 Cunning Decreases damage taken further when defend option is chosen.

Effect increases as level for the ability goes up.

怒り Rage As HP goes down, Critical Rate goes up. 10
統率力 Leadership Increases Group Area when placed as warship captain.

Effect increases as Level for the ability goes up.

威風 Dignity Reduces MP loss within group when placed as warship captain. 20
恐怖 Fear Decreases enemy MP when attacks connect. (Excludes MAP weapons)

Effect increases as level for the ability goes up.

悪運 Bad Luck When Unit HP is below 50%, decrease damage taken and increases Evasion.

Evasion bonus increases as Level for the Ability goes up.


South Burning[]

ULJS00363 00000
射撃 Shooting 23
格闘 Melee 23
反応 Reaction 24
守備 Defense 24
覚醒 Awakening 0
指揮 Leadership 11
魅力 Charisma 8
MP 410
EXP for Lv2 830


Name in Japanese

Name in English


Level Requirement

鉄壁 Iron Wall Increases Unit Defense.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

熟練 Proficient EN Consumption reduced by 5% and increases Accuracy.

Accuracy bonus effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

解放 Release Adds 10 points to the Awaken stat. If the Pilot's initial Awaken stat is 0, their Awaken stat can now be raised.

Note: This Ability can only be purchased by certain characters with Awaken stat of 0. If you replace/erase the Ability, the Awaken stat will revert back to 0 and it cannot be raised.

統制 Command Increases Master/Leader Area by 3 when assigned as Master/Leader. 10
底力 Reserve When Unit HP is below 50%, Unit's Defense and Attack goes up.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

情報解析 Information Analysis Increases warship shooting stat when placed as warship operator.

Effect increases as level for the ability goes up.

気合 Vigor Tension goes up faster than normal. 20
射撃管制 Fire Control Increases warship accuracy when placed as warship operator.

Effect increases as level for the ability goes up.

勇将 Brave General Increases Unit's Defense. Increases Leader Area +3 when assigned as Leader.

Defense bonus increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

ベテラン Veteran Increases damage by 10% and decreases damage taken by 10% when piloting an Unit that is Level 20 or higher. 40

Chuck Keith[]

ULJS00363 00001
射撃 Shooting 17
格闘 Melee 16
反応 Reaction 15
守備 Defense 14
覚醒 Awakening 0
指揮 Leadership 6
魅力 Charisma 7
MP 350
EXP for Lv2 550


Name in Japanese

Name in English


Level Requirement

ムードメーカー Mood Maker Increases ally Accuracy within his/her Group.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up. Effect is capped at +15% if multiple Pilots with Mood Maker are in the same Group

集中力 Concentration Increases damage dealt to Warships during Pinpoint Attacks.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

解放 Release Adds 10 points to the Awaken stat. If the Pilot's initial Awaken stat is 0, their Awaken stat can now be raised.

Note: This Ability can only be purchased by certain characters with Awaken stat of 0. If you replace/erase the Ability, the Awaken stat will revert back to 0 and it cannot be raised.

悪運 Bad Luck When Unit HP is below 50%, decrease damage taken and increases Evasion.

Evasion bonus increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

操艦センス Helmsman Sense Increases warship evasion when placed as warship helmsman.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

身軽 Lightweight When piloting Units that are Size M or smaller, increases Unit Mobility and Evasion.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

対空砲火 Anti-Air Fire Increases Attack Power of a Warship's Rapid Shooting weapons (AA Guns) when placed as Helmsman of a Warship.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

空間戦闘適応 Space Combat Adaptability Increases Accuracy and Evasion by when fighting in Space.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

鉄壁 Iron Wall Increases Unit Defense.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

スナイパー Sniper Unit's Shooting Weapons gain +1 Range. (Except fixed Range and MAP weapons) 40

Alpha A. Bate[]

ULJS00363 00002
射撃 Shooting 20
格闘 Melee 20
反応 Reaction 19
守備 Defense 19
覚醒 Awakening 0
指揮 Leadership 10
魅力 Charisma 7
MP 390
EXP for Lv2 650


Name in Japanese

Name in English


Level Requirement

気分屋 Moody Person MP change fluctuates after battle. None
空間戦闘適応 Space Combat Adaptability Increases Accuracy and Evasion by when fighting in Space.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

解放 Release Adds 10 points to the Awaken stat. If the Pilot's initial Awaken stat is 0, their Awaken stat can now be raised.

Note: This Ability can only be purchased by certain characters with Awaken stat of 0. If you replace/erase the Ability, the Awaken stat will revert back to 0 and it cannot be raised.

挑発 Provocative Increases chances of the enemy targeting the pilot. 10
操艦センス Helmsman Sense Increases warship evasion when placed as warship helmsman.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

怒り Rage As HP goes down, Critical Rate goes up. 10
対空砲火 Anti-Air Fire Increases Attack Power of a Warship's Rapid Shooting weapons (AA Guns) when placed as Helmsman of a Warship.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

熟練 Proficient EN Consumption reduced by 5% and increases Accuracy.

Accuracy bonus effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

豪傑 Hero Increases Unit Attack.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

闘将 Battle Commander Increases Unit's Attack. Increases Leader Area +3 when assigned as Leader.

Attack bonus increases as Level for the Ability goes up.


Bernard Monsha[]

ULJS00363 00003
射撃 Shooting 18
格闘 Melee 20
反応 Reaction 17
守備 Defense 21
覚醒 Awakening 0
指揮 Leadership 7
魅力 Charisma 4
MP 360
EXP for Lv2 570


Name in Japanese

Name in English


Level Requirement

ポジティブ Positive Reduced MP loss after battle. None
挑発 Provocative Increases chances of the enemy targeting the pilot None
解放 Release Adds 10 points to the Awaken stat. If the Pilot's initial Awaken stat is 0, their Awaken stat can now be raised.

Note: This Ability can only be purchased by certain characters with Awaken stat of 0. If you replace/erase the Ability, the Awaken stat will revert back to 0 and it cannot be raised.

威圧 Coercion Increases Critical Rate when battling enemy Pilots with their MP Gauge not at Maximum or 0.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

操艦センス Helmsman Sense Increases warship evasion when placed as warship helmsman.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

好戦 Aggressive Increases Pilot's Reaction and Unit's Attack.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

対空砲火 Anti-Air Fire Increases Attack Power of a Warship's Rapid Shooting weapons (AA Guns) when placed as Helmsman of a Warship.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

熟練 Proficient EN Consumption reduced by 5% and increases Accuracy.

Accuracy bonus effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

空間戦闘適応 Space Combat Adaptability Increases Accuracy and Evasion by when fighting in Space.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

ファイター Fighter Unit's Melee Weapons gain +1 Range. (Except fixed Range and MAP weapons) 40

Chap Adel[]

ULJS00363 00004
射撃 Shooting 20
格闘 Melee 16
反応 Reaction 17
守備 Defense 22
覚醒 Awakening 0
指揮 Leadership 9
魅力 Charisma 7
MP 380
EXP for Lv2 610


Name in Japanese

Name in English


Level Requirement

真面目 Diligent Increases EXP earned for Pilot.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

寡黙 Taciturn Increases Pilot's Defense and Unit's Defense.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

解放 Release Adds 10 points to the Awaken stat. If the Pilot's initial Awaken stat is 0, their Awaken stat can now be raised.

Note: This Ability can only be purchased by certain characters with Awaken stat of 0. If you replace/erase the Ability, the Awaken stat will revert back to 0 and it cannot be raised.

鉄壁 Iron Wall Increases Unit Defense.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

情報解析 Information Analysis Increases warship shooting stat when placed as warship operator.

Effect increases as level for the ability goes up.

空間戦闘適応 Space Combat Adaptability Increases Accuracy and Evasion by when fighting in Space.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

射撃管制 Fire Control Increases warship accuracy when placed as warship operator.

Effect increases as level for the ability goes up.

熟練 Proficient EN Consumption reduced by 5% and increases Accuracy.

Accuracy bonus effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up

集中力 Concentration Increases damage dealt to Warships during Pinpoint Attacks.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

練達 Adaptive Increases all Terrain Ratings of a Unit by 1 (ie. B -> A). Does not apply to those without Terrain Ratings. 40

Eiphar Synapse[]

ULJS00363 00005
射撃 Shooting 20
格闘 Melee 10
反応 Reaction 20
守備 Defense 19
覚醒 Awakening 0
指揮 Leadership 12
魅力 Charisma 7
MP 400
EXP for Lv2 580


Name in Japanese

Name in English


Level Requirement

統率力 Leadership Increases Group Area when placed as Captain of a Warship.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

真面目 Diligent Increases EXP earned for Pilot.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

解放 Release Adds 10 points to the Awaken stat. If the Pilot's initial Awaken stat is 0, their Awaken stat can now be raised.

Note: This Ability can only be purchased by certain characters with Awaken stat of 0. If you replace/erase the Ability, the Awaken stat will revert back to 0 and it cannot be raised.

威風 Dignity Reduces MP loss within your Group (Including self) when placed as Captain of a Warship. 10
鉄壁 Iron Wall Increases Unit Defense.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

刻苦 Hard Work Decreases all Pilot Stats by 10. Increases EN consumption of all weapons by 10%

Increases all EXP and Score earned when placed as Pilot/Warship Captain. Bonus increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

熟練 Proficient EN Consumption reduced by 5% and increases Accuracy.

Accuracy bonus effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

怒り Rage As HP goes down, Critical Rate goes up. 20
底力 Reserve When Unit HP is below 50%, Unit's Defense and Attack goes up.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up

勇将 Brave General Increases Unit's Defense. Increases Leader Area +3 when assigned as Leader.

Defense bonus increases as Level for the Ability goes up.


Nina Purpleton[]

ULJS00363 000001
射撃 Shooting 7
格闘 Melee 7
反応 Reaction 7
守備 Defense 15
覚醒 Awakening 0
指揮 Leadership 7
魅力 Charisma 12
MP 350
EXP for Lv2 550


Name in Japanese

Name in English


Level Requirement

機械技術 Mechanical Skill Increases pilot's defense when placed as warship mechanic.

Increases HP and EN recovery of warship and units returned for repairs. Recovery rate increases as level for the ability goes up.

強固 Fortitude Increases Unit's Maximum HP.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

解放 Release Adds 10 points to the Awaken stat. If the Pilot's initial Awaken stat is 0, their Awaken stat can now be raised.

Note: This Ability can only be purchased by certain characters with Awaken stat of 0. If you replace/erase the Ability, the Awaken stat will revert back to 0 and it cannot be raised.

情報解析 Information Analysis Increases Shooting when placed as Operator of a Warship.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

器用 Skillfulness Increases warship's EN when placed as warship mechanic

Effect increases as level for the ability goes up.

隠密 Stealth Increases accuracy when pilot initiates the battle.

Effect increases as level for the ability goes up.

射撃管制 Fire Control Increases warship accuracy when placed as warship operator.

Effect increases as level for the ability goes up.

威圧 Coercion Increases Critical Rate when battling enemy Pilots with their MP Gauge not at Maximum or 0.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

慈愛 Affection MP recovery for units in group and allies when placed in warship.

MP recovery would cap at 50% of MP Gauge.

冷徹 Cool-Headed Decreases enemy unit defense when the pilot battles without support.

Effect increases as level for the ability goes up.


Jacqueline Simon[]

ULJS00363 00001-0
射撃 Shooting 15
格闘 Melee 8
反応 Reaction 8
守備 Defense 8
覚醒 Awakening 0
指揮 Leadership 5
魅力 Charisma 8
MP 350
EXP for Lv2 550


Name in Japanese

Name in English


Level Requirement

情報解析 Information Analysis Increases warship shooting stat when placed as warship operator.

Effect increases as level for the ability goes up.

身軽 Lightweight When piloting Units that are Size M or smaller, increases Unit Mobility and Evasion.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

解放 Release Adds 10 points to the Awaken stat. If the Pilot's initial Awaken stat is 0, their Awaken stat can now be raised.

Note: This Ability can only be purchased by certain characters with Awaken stat of 0. If you replace/erase the Ability, the Awaken stat will revert back to 0 and it cannot be raised.

集中力 Concentration Increases damage dealt to Warships during Pinpoint Attacks.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up

射撃管制 Fire Control Increases warship accuracy when placed as warship operator.

Effect increases as level for the ability goes up.

ポジティブ Positive Reduced MP loss after battle. 10
補佐 Assistant Increases all pilot stats when placed as warship XO

Effect increases as level for the ability goes up.

強固 Fortitude Increases Unit's Maximum HP.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

空中戦闘適応 Aerial Combat Adaptability Increases accuracy and evasion when fighting in air.

Effect increases as level for the ability goes up.

悪運 Bad Luck When Unit HP is below 50%, decrease damage taken and increases Evasion.

Evasion bonus increases as Level for the Ability goes up.


Ivan Pasrof[]

ULJS00363 00002-0
射撃 Shooting 11
格闘 Melee 10
反応 Reaction 17
守備 Defense 10
覚醒 Awakening 0
指揮 Leadership 6
魅力 Charisma 7
MP 360
EXP for Lv2 550


Name in Japanese

Name in English


Level Requirement

操艦センス Helmsman Sense Increases warship evasion when placed as warship helmsman.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

寡黙 Taciturn Increases Pilot's Defense and Unit's Defense.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

解放 Release Adds 10 points to the Awaken stat. If the Pilot's initial Awaken stat is 0, their Awaken stat can now be raised.

Note: This ability can only be purchased by certain characters with Awaken stat of 0. If you replace/erase this ability, the Awaken stat will revert back to 0 and it cannot be raised.

真面目 Diligent Increases EXP earned for pilot.

Effect increases as level for the ability goes up.

対空砲火 Anti-Air Fire Increases attack power of a warship's rapid-firing weapons (AA Guns) when placed as warship helmsman. 10
熟練 Proficient EN Consumption reduced by 5% and increases Accuracy.

Accuracy bonus effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up

豪傑 Hero Increases Unit Attack.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

集中力 Concentration Increases damage dealt to warships during Pinpoint Attacks.

Effect increases as level for the ability goes up.

統制 Command Increases Master/Leader Area by 3 when assigned as Master/Leader. 30
練達 Adaptive Increases all Terrain Ratings of a Unit by 1 (ie. B -> A). Does not apply to those without Terrain Ratings. 40

Mora Boscht[]

ULJS00363 00003-0
射撃 Shooting 10
格闘 Melee 10
反応 Reaction 10
守備 Defense 17
覚醒 Awakening 0
指揮 Leadership 5
魅力 Charisma 7
MP 350
EXP for Lv2 550


Name in Japanese

Name in English


Level Requirement

機械技術 Mechanical Skill Increases pilot's defense when placed as warship mechanic.

Increases HP and EN recovery of warship and units returned for repairs. Recovery rate increases as level for the ability goes up.

豪傑 Hero Increases Unit Attack.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

解放 Release Adds 10 points to the Awaken stat. If the Pilot's initial Awaken stat is 0, their Awaken stat can now be raised.

Note: This Ability can only be purchased by certain characters with Awaken stat of 0. If you replace/erase the Ability, the Awaken stat will revert back to 0 and it cannot be raised.

器用 Skillfulness Increases warship's EN when placed as warship mechanic

Effect increases as level for the ability goes up.

ムードメーカー Mood Maker Increases ally accuracy within his/her group.

Effect increases as level for the ability goes up. Effect is capped at +15% if multiple pilots with Mood Maker are in the same group.

気合 Vigor Tension goes up faster than normal. 10
怒り Rage As HP goes down, Critical Rate goes up. 20
地上戦闘適応 Land Combat Adaptability Increases accuracy and evasion when fighting on land.

Effect increases as level for the ability goes up.

威圧 Coercion Increases critical rate when battling enemy pilots with their MP Gauge not at maximum or 0.

Effect increases as level for the ability goes up.

必殺 Sure Kill Chance to inflict Super Criticals when tension is not at Super Critical state.

Percentage increases as level for the Ability goes up.


Aiguille Delaz[]

ULJS00363 00004-0
射撃 Shooting 24
格闘 Melee 12
反応 Reaction 20
守備 Defense 19
覚醒 Awakening 0
指揮 Leadership 13
魅力 Charisma 7
MP 420
EXP for Lv2 650


Name in Japanese

Name in English


Level Requirement

統率力 Leadership Increases Group Area when placed as Captain of a Warship.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

寡黙 Taciturn Increases Pilot's Defense and Unit's Defense.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

解放 Release Adds 10 points to the Awaken stat. If the Pilot's initial Awaken stat is 0, their Awaken stat can now be raised.

Note: This Ability can only be purchased by certain characters with Awaken stat of 0. If you replace/erase the Ability, the Awaken stat will revert back to 0 and it cannot be raised.

威風 Dignity Reduces MP loss within group when placed as warship captain. 10
強固 Fortitude Increases Unit's Maximum HP.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

刻苦 Hard Work Decreases all pilot stats by 10. Increases EN consumption of all weapons by 10%.

Increases all EXP and score earned when placed as pilot/warship captain. Bonus increases as level for the ability goes up.

隠密 Stealth Increases accuracy when pilot initiates the battle.

Effect increases as level for the ability goes up.

空間戦闘適応 Space Combat Adaptability Increases accuracy and evasion by when fighting in space.

Effect increases as level for the ability goes up.

底力 Reserve When Unit HP is below 50%, Unit's Defense and Attack goes up.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

練達 Adaptive Increases all Terrain Ratings of a Unit by 1 (ie. B -> A). Does not apply to those without Terrain Ratings. 40

Kelley Layzner[]

ULJS00363 00006
射撃 Shooting 25
格闘 Melee 25
反応 Reaction 20
守備 Defense 23
覚醒 Awakening 0
指揮 Leadership 6
魅力 Charisma 7
MP 400
EXP for Lv2 830


Name in Japanese

Name in English


Level Requirement

豪傑 Hero Increases Unit Attack.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

気合 Vigor Tension goes up faster than normal. None
解放 Release Adds 10 points to the Awaken stat. If the Pilot's initial Awaken stat is 0, their Awaken stat can now be raised.

Note: This Ability can only be purchased by certain characters with Awaken stat of 0. If you replace/erase the Ability, the Awaken stat will revert back to 0 and it cannot be raised.

威圧 Coercion Increases Critical Rate when battling enemy Pilots with their MP Gauge not at Maximum or 0.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

機械技術 Mechanical Skill Increases pilot's defense when placed as warship mechanic.

Increases HP and EN recovery of warship and units returned for repairs. Recovery rate increases as level for the ability goes up

怒り Rage As HP goes down, Critical Rate goes up. 10
器用 Skillfulness Increases warship's EN when placed as warship mechanic

Effect increases as level for the ability goes up.

単独行動 Independent Action Increases Accuracy and damage when battling without Support.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

底力 Reserve When Unit HP is below 50%, Unit's Defense and Attack goes up.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

ベテラン Veteran Increases damage by 10% and decreases damage taken by 10% when piloting an Unit that is Level 20 or higher. 40