SD Gundam G Generation World Wiki

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Prayer Reverie[]

Prayer Reverie
射撃 Shooting 22
格闘 Melee 18
反応 Reaction 26
守備 Defense 23
覚醒 Awakening 42
指揮 Leadership 10
魅力 Charisma 12
Cost 42600
MP 440
EXP for Lv2 1020


Name in Japanese

Name in English


Level Requirement

空間認識能力 Spatial Awareness Increases Awaken and Special Awaken weapons attack power.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

真面目 Diligent Increases EXP earned by pilot.
Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.
集中力 Concentration Increases damage dealt to Warships during Pinpoint Attacks.
Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.
気合 Vigor Tension goes up faster than normal. 10
統率力 Leadership Increases Group Area when placed as Captain of a Warship.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

刻苦 Hard Work Decreases all Pilot Stats by 10. Increases EN consumption of all weapons by 10%

Increases all EXP and Score earned when placed as Pilot/Warship Captain. Bonus increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

威風 Dignity Reduces MP loss within your Group (Including Self) when placed as Captain of a Warship. 20
慈愛 Kindness MP Recovery for Units in your Group and Guest Allies when placed in Warship.

MP Recovery would cap at 50% of MP Gauge.

勇将 Brave General Increases Unit's Defence. Increases Leader Area +3 when assigned as Leader.
Defence bonus increases as Level for the Ability goes up.
スナイパー Sniper Unit's Shooting Weapon gains +1 Range. (Except fixed Range and MAP weapons) 40

Canard Pars[]

Canard Pars
射撃 Shooting 23
格闘 Melee 23
反応 Reaction 23
守備 Defense 23
覚醒 Awakening 42
指揮 Leadership 6
魅力 Charisma 8
Cost 40900
MP 390
EXP for Lv2 970


Name in Japanese

Name in English


Level Requirement

威圧 Coercion Increases Critical Rate when battling enemy Pilots with their MP Gauge not at Maximum or 0.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

好戦 Aggressive Increases Pilot's Reaction and Unit's Attack.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

単独行動 Independent Action Increases Accuracy and damage when battling without Support.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

恐怖 Fear Decreases Enemy MP when attacks connect. (Excludes MAP weapons)

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

鉄壁 Iron Wall Increases Unit Defense.

Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

怒り Rage As HP goes down, Critical Rate goes up. 10
挑発 Provocative Increases chances of the enemy targeting the pilot. 20
空間戦闘適応 Space Combat Adaptablity Increase Accuracy and Evasion by when fighting in Space.
Effect increases as Level for the Ability goes up.
必殺 Sure Kill Chances of attack becomes Super Critical when Tension is not at Super Critical state.

Percentage increases as Level for the Ability goes up.

傭兵 Mercenary Unit's Weapons gain +1 Range. (Except fixed Range and MAP weapons) 40